Monday, February 25, 2008

History In Pictures: Part II


"Ehsan-Firouzabadi carries his sign during a peaceful rally through the halls and walkways protesting the situation between Iran and Iraq."

This is similar to a war protest that took place on campus during the fall semester. Students who participated in the walk-out promoted the same message, "No more war, we want peace." Despite the differences in decades, the subject of both protests was the conflict in Iraq. Iraq has constantly been a hotbed of conflict, war, chaos.... whatever. Iraq can be described as many things, but peaceful is not one of them. But the message is clear no matter what the decade: "We want peace."

April 5, 1988

"Cal State Long Beach band members Phil Mortensesn, left, and Steve Magana cheer during a women's basketball team against Auburn."

Although the marching band days at Cal State Long Beach have come to an end, the spirit of the band and the music is kept alive today by the 49er pep band. The pep band performs at all men's and women's basketball and volleyball games in the Walter Pyramid. The band is made up of mostly music majors, but anyone who can play an instrument is welcome to join.

1988 - "Tuba player Kerri Morrison takes a breather from band practice."

Take a closer look in the bell of the tuba. Reflected is the rest of the band as it gears up for rehearsal. Click here to read about the Cal State Long Beach marching band, more commonly known as The Big Brown Music Machine.

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